Thursday, June 2, 2011


So here are some pictures of my baby, okay, so he's almost 3, but whatever, indulge me a sec.  I took these tonight right after dinner as he was goofing around in the backyard.  The last collage includes Sam partaking in his favorite past-time, puzzles.  He's SERIOUS about puzzles.  Which is good, since he got about 20 of them for Christmas.  (Half of them are hidden in a closet for later.  Shhh...don't tell him.)  It's fun to just watch Sam explore the world.  He's so curious and adventurous and, well, I just love him to pieces.



While I was shooting tonight, he asked me, "What's your name?"  I said, "What's my name?"  He replied, "Your name is Mama-cita."  Hilarious.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

rachel said...

great black and whites!